70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh

    Kate Walsh rocks a big curly blonde wig for her epic 70-disco dance party at his home in Los Angeles on Saturday night (April 2). The 43-year-old actress, who celebrated his new girlfriend fragrance tweeted "My badass 70's glam rock disco dance party dance party to benefit Oceana and B-day girl Jana Hunt Inger, my BFF from Tucson: oh, it's" Half -way through the party, Kate and a dance partner put on an impromptu disco! Performance.

    70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh

    70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh

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70's Disco Dance Party Goddess! :Kate Walsh

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